Forming a Charitable Company
A Proposal for Connect
The Church is called to be salt and light in the world. Connect Blenheim is passionate about enriching the community God has placed us in, and believe it is our God given assignment. Our Vision Statement dreams of a church that is part of Blenheim's story, bringing gospel renewal to people and places in God's restoration of all things.
We do this now through the great work that Connect and Connect Marlborough Trust are doing in, through and outside of the church family.
In December 2023, The Senior Leadership Team of Connect submitted a vision to establish a third entity, a charitable company, to work alongside Connect and Connect Marlborough Trust, to facilitate the stewarding of our assets for Gospel Renewal in our community, and invited our community into a discussion to discern whether this is the right move, the God move, for our church.
At the AGM in March 2024, a series of questions were put to the meeting for discussion, to hear the heart of our people, and discover the questions or concerns that our members need to answer to help them make wise decisions. These questions have been collated and answers have been researched over the year. We are now ready to submit our initial answers to these questions, prior to another opportunity for discussion in 2024. Below are three links that you can follow to engage with the next steps of this process. For those who need a refresher on the proposal, would like to see a list of the questions we have answered, or to make a written submission with their thoughts or more questions, please click the appropriate link below.
Thanks for taking the time to be part of our story, and our legacy at Connect Blenheim.