Welcome to Connect
Tēnā koe,
Nau mai ki te Hono,
Our website is often a first landing page for people when they are looking for a church community. If this is your first connection with us, I want to welcome you especially. Whatever has brought you to our site today, you are very welcome to connect with us!
Whether you are new to our website and looking for a church home, or an existing member of our Connect community looking for resources or support, I hope you can find what you're looking for here. Please feel free to make use of the contact us page and get in touch if there is anything we can do for you or if you have any questions.
I look forward to connecting more with you soon!
Ngā mihi,
Pastor Shanan
Connect is not just a church. It's a community and a family. I feel so grateful to be part of it and that my children are excited to come and be part of it too. Everyone truly is welcome here
- Ange.